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workplace culture

the whole veterinarian podcast episode 66 featuring dr. kim harmon

Episode 66 – How to Hold a Meeting that Your Veterinary Team Will Love featuring Dr. Kim Harmon – PART 2

We break down the essential questions you need to ask before planning a meeting for your veterinary team: why is it taking place, who should be present, when should it happen, and what outcomes you’re striving for. With a focus on setting expectations, starting and ending on time, and keeping your meetings on track, we guide you through pre-meeting preparations, welcoming and connecting, engaging with participants, and ensuring a productive conclusion. Learn how to make the most of your workplace meetings and share this episode with friends or colleagues who could benefit from these game-changing strategies.

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Olivia Oginska of VetGoneReal joins me to talk about psychological safety and workplace incivility in veterinary teams

Episode 41 – Improving Veterinary Team Culture by Focusing on Psychological Safety with Dr. Olivia Oginska

I think we can all agree that team dysfunction and a toxic workplace are major contributors to the poor well-being of the individual veterinarian. Today’s guest studies and consults on a few things that I believe could significantly change the way our veterinary practices function on a day-to-day basis. Dr. Olivia Oginska is deeply passionate about veterinary workplace well-being, emotional intelligence, psychological safety and creating tools that help veterinary practitioners to thrive in their career and personal life.

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How to Create a Strategic Life Plan

This exercise was a game changer for me. It was the starting point to realizing that I could create a life that I love instead of letting life and work run all over me. Check it out and let me know if you need any help getting started.

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